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    «  Февраль 2025  »

    There's no-one watching over me tonight
    And I'm afraid to turn out the lights
    If I close my eyes it will all go away
    And I don't want to see it end this way
    There was a time when truth and trust
    Meant so much more to each of us
    And all the dreams that we once had
    That seems that some of them left us feeling bad
    Now the changing of the guard
    Has left us feeling so damn hard
    I'll keep my distance, cause I'm a little bit afraid
    Through the years, one thing hasn't changed
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
    I would run through fields of fire
    I would crawl on broken glass
    Just to swim in your sea of devotion
    Just to have a second chance
    That's all I ask!
    Now maybe good's not good enough
    I know we've changed, but not that much
    Maybe time has left us beaten up
    I never was one into giving up
    I ain't the hero who gets the girl
    But if I had my chance to save the world
    I won't blow it now, I guess I'll understand
    This boys becoming a man
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
    Well look at your hands
    Do you hear what I say
    Can you count on your fingers
    Each of your real friends
    I know that I'm lucky
    I know Im right
    Fingers turn into fists
    We're hear to take on the night
    That's right
    Now I'm staring at an open door
    We've had a lot and I want much more
    You can keep all the money and the streets that are paved with gold
    If someone gives me back my soul
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ,yeah, yeah!
    I would run through fields of fire!
    I would run through fields of fire!
    I would run all way back home, I would run!
    Baby all night long!
    Unofficial Russian Site Pleymo! 2007 © 2025